Civil asset forfeiture can happen when the police or other civil institution suspects that money or another asset has or is intended to be used for wrongdoing. For example, this could be a situation where a person is carrying a large sum of cash on their person for...
What to do when you’ve been injured by a faulty car
Most often when a person has been involved in a car accident, if there is a case, it will be a negligence claim aimed at another driver. However, sometimes, there is no person at the scene at fault, because the accident might have been caused by a car defect. In this...
How class action lawsuits work and how you can join one
A class action lawsuit is one in which the plaintiffs come together and sue defendants as a single group. As for the plaintiffs in a lawsuit like this, they share a commonality in that they all suffered a similar type of harm or loss. Class action lawsuits can be...
Are debt collectors refusing to stop calling your work?
Maybe you've had a rough couple of months and fell behind on your credit card payments. Perhaps you had an emergency medical situation, and you can't pay the bill in full. If a creditor has turned over an account in your name to a debt collection agency, you could...
Wells Fargo forced loan recipients to take out auto insurance
An internal report conducted in order to present to executives at Wells Fargo found that over 800,000 people were charged with unnecessary car insurance. This in turn reportedly led to around 25,000 wrongful repossessions of vehicles. The report found that Wells Fargo...