Minnesota citizens who are looking to get hired for a job may need to undergo a background check or report. This information helps a potential employer to understand a person’s employment history, education, financial history, medical history and even their criminal history. As an employee, you have legal rights under federal laws regarding background check procedures.
A couple of rights you need to be aware of
Consumer protection law prevents an employer from asking questions regarding your medical history until they actually offer you a job. They may not ask these questions in the interview process until that job offer comes to the table. In addition, employers are typically not able to ask you for your genetic information, like your family medical history. This is only allowable in a limited number of scenarios.
Background reports and checks
When an employer runs background checks, they typically will obtain a credit report. In order for an employer to do this, they need to provide you with written documentation that they will be using the information that they gather in the decision related to your employment with their company. In addition, they must get your written permission in order to perform these background reports. While you do not have to submit to undergoing them, they can refuse to hire you for not giving them permission to do so.
Many times, employers will require a background check or a background report in order to evaluate your qualifications for the position. When this happens, employers must follow certain federal laws regarding the use of these checks and reports. If you believe that a potential employer violated your rights, you should speak with an attorney.