Debt collectors are required to follow the law known as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This law helps to protect the public, also known as consumers, from unfair collection practices. Even with this law in place many debt collectors continue to use unfair practices to collect debt in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota. Here are some common signs of debt collector harassment you should be on the lookout for at all times.
A common harassment tactic is when debt collectors purposely set out to embarrass you. This is done by sending letters to you at home or at work that label you as a deadbeat. The letters might even be addressed to “deadbeat” instead of your legal name.
Harassment also occurs when debt collectors threaten you with the possibility of being arrested or facing legal action that has not actually been discussed or approved.
Many employers prohibit their employees from receiving letters or telephone calls at work regarding personal issues. Debt collectors might go as far as breaking this rule and sending you communications while on the job. This is without a doubt harassment, especially if you have informed the collection company of the rules at your place of employment.
If you have sent a letter to a debt collector that you no longer wish to be contacted, and they continue to contact you, this is considered harassment.
When a debt collector requests that you pay fees that are more than the debt you owe, or are on top of what you already agreed to pay, this can also be viewed as harassment.
As you can see, there are quite a few tricks that debt collectors use to continually harass consumers in Minnesota. Do your best to watch for these unfair practices so you do not fall victim to them.