You owe an outstanding debt. You are aware of it, and you may even have received communications from the debt collection agency in the past. Perhaps they have called you or sent you a letter in the mail. However, you are surprised one day when they contact you on...
Debt collectors should take mental health issues into account
It is estimated that up to one in five people, or 57 million people, suffer from some form of mental health issues. The national household debt in the U.S. currently stands at around $17.3 trillion. Millions of people with mental health issues find themselves in...
Remaining calm will help with debt collector interactions
It is a widely purported myth that only reckless spenders end up in financial trouble. The truth is that millions of people in America find themselves in debt through no fault of their own. Debts are something that follow you around, and at some point, debt...
How creditors may violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
We borrow money, intending to make full repayment. However, life sometimes throws a curveball, and we get behind on our bills. When that happens, several businesses will work with you while you get back on your feet. Still, others aren't as accommodating. That's when...
Steps to take when debt collection becomes harassment
Debt repayment delays are normal and sometimes, creditors may take initiative and remind you to pay from time to time. However, there's a threshold beyond which a debt collection call can become harassment. Understanding how debt collection harassment happens is...
It’s easy to become a victim of zombie debt collectors
If you’re being inundated by debt collectors calling, texting, emailing and otherwise contacting you, you may not even realize that one or more of them is attempting to get payment on something called a “zombie debt.” Zombie debts include debts that have already been...
What constitutes a wrongful vehicle repossession?
If you take out a car loan, or if you use your car as collateral on a credit facility, you risk having your car repossessed if you do not make your payments in time. But as with any industry, it is not uncommon to have a few bad apples in the credit industry....
Can a debt collector contact your family? Know your rights
When faced with financial difficulties and debt, one of the most stressful aspects for many individuals is the potential for debt collectors to contact their family members. Many people are concerned about the embarrassment or stress this might cause their loved ones...
What should you know about debt collector calls?
People who have debts they can’t pay know how difficult it is to deal with debt collectors. Many people know that debt collectors will do anything within their power to collect what they’re owed. What some don’t realize is that there are limits to this. The Fair Debt...
3 things debt collectors can’t do
Knowing that you owe a company money is a difficult situation to be in. The last thing that you probably want to happen is that they start collection attempts. While many debt collectors comply with laws regarding collection attempts, others are unscrupulous. Debt...