In the modern world, it is increasingly important to keep a close eye on your credit score. Even if you don't have perfect credit, protecting what you have makes it easier to improve your credit and avoid costly hits to your score. Unfortunately, many of us see our...
Cleaning war: Clorox sues Lysol
You've probably seen plenty of commercials where companies take direct aim at their competition, perhaps even mentioning them by name. Even when it's not by name, they often allude to it strongly enough that it leaves no doubt in your mind what they're talking about....
There have already been 10 billion robocalls this year
Do you feel like you're getting more robocalls this year than you have in the past? Every time you see an unknown number pop up on the screen, do you just assume that it is a robotic service trying to sell you something? You're not alone. A lot of people have...
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act could stand to be updated
Some say that the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is trapped in a time warp. When it was signed into law in 1991, lawmakers hoped that it would decrease telemarketers' calls made to Americans on their home phones lines. We currently live in an era in which...
Romance scams are becoming more common — and costly
With the rise of online dating sites and apps, so-called "romance scams" have become more prevalent. These scams can leave victims both financially and emotionally devastated. Seniors looking for love, companionship or just someone with whom to communicate -- often...
Federal laws prohibit creditors from harassing debtors
If you're drowning in debt, then you may be receiving incessant calls and letters from creditors. You may want to familiarize yourself with federal laws such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) if you're wondering if their actions are legal. According to...