A bank that loans you money to buy an automobile can repossess your car if you fail to make your loan payments. That said, the bank needs to carry out the repossession in a legally appropriate fashion. In general, the repossession of your vehicle will be governed by...
Common examples of misleading advertising
In order to gain a competitive advantage, brands must be able to excite and attract their customers through lucrative campaigns. However, occasionally this gets taken too far. When brands exaggerate the benefits of their product or just outright lie about their...
The limits of wage garnishment
When a person is struggling or refusing to pay back certain debts that are owed, it may result in wage garnishment taking place. This is usually a last resort for debt collection efforts, and it typically requires the ruling of a judge in order for it to be possible....
An inaccurate background check could cost you a job or worse
For those who have never gotten convicted of a felony, the question on a job or rental application asking about criminal background checks rarely gets a second glance. These people assume that the background check won't pose any issue to securing a new home....
Cribs and child seats that might be a danger to your child
Many products have been available to the public before it was realized that they pose a health risk to young children. Amid these findings, dangerous products are routinely subject to recalls and those affected by the danger often engage in class action lawsuits....