Having a good credit score helps consumers in Minnesota financially by increasing chances of loan approval and better rates. However, any errors on a credit report may get them denied or higher interest rates. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives consumers protection...
Fewer robot calls coming your way
Minnesota residents may be getting fewer robot calls soon thanks to the Pallone-Thune Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence Act, or TRACED Act. The government updated the original Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Why the legislation was...
When debt collectors call after a bankruptcy
When those struggling with debt seek bankruptcy, one of the benefits of bankruptcy is getting an automatic stay, where debt collectors can’t call until the bankruptcy is resolved. If the debtor receives a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most likely, nearly all of their debt...
What Is Abusive Debt Collection?
Given the events of this previous year, many consumers have found that the loss of a job or change of personal circumstances has caused a negative impact on their economic status. Many are finding that these dire financial situations have led to increased credit card...