As soon as you discover you can't make your car payment or some other kind of secured loan payment, you should act swiftly. You need to do whatever you can to reduce the risk of having your property repossessed. One or two missed payments could be enough to put you on...
Recognize these two common scams against the elderly
Just when we think we've seen every fraud scam under the sun used to target vulnerable seniors, our law firm encounters a new scheme that defrauded a senior citizen out of his or her money. It's terrifying to think just how fast someone can take your hard-earned money...
What can I do if I was sold a faulty car?
Buying a vehicle can be one of the most expensive purchases that you will have to make, and the car will be extremely valuable to the quality of your life. This is why many people spend a lot of time looking for a great deal on a new or used car. When they finally...
Questions about bankruptcy and creditor harassment
If you have recently filed for bankruptcy in Minnesota, it is likely that you're aware of the automatic stay. You will probably be relieved that you no longer have to be subject to stressful calls from creditors. The automatic stay means that creditors can no longer...
Common questions about stopping creditor harassment
If you are going through financial hardships, one of the most stressful aspects is dealing with calls and mail from creditors who are asking for their money back. While creditors are allowed to send reminders within reason, there are actually laws in place to prevent...