Financial records can be very revealing and even embarrassing. Most people prefer to keep the details of their financial circumstances private. They don't want random people looking at their exact income or credit card balances. Bad actors could obtain information...
Who is allowed to see my driver’s license info?
An individual's driver's license may be an individual’s only real form of state identification. Most people do not carry passports or Social Security cards with them on a day-to-day basis, but carrying their driver's license is necessary whenever they are in a...
Who has access to my credit report and when is disclosure an invasion of privacy?
Your credit report is very important because it tracks your financial activity and builds up a history for lenders to consider. They look at your credit score when deciding if they’re going to give you a loan or not. In some cases, this can impact the chances that the...
What happens if your credit was pulled without your approval?
Consumers in Minnesota and throughout the country have privacy rights when it comes to their credit. If your credit report was unfairly disclosed without your permission, it might be considered an invasion of your privacy. When is it permissible for a credit report to...
Invasion of privacy: the illegal access of driver’s license information
It is not uncommon for police officers, county deputies and public employees to routinely abuse their search capabilities of law enforcement and driver’s license databases for their own thrill-seeking purposes. Through the years, there have been numerous cases in...