It can be exhausting when a debt collector calls you non-stop about your debts. You have other responsibilities in life, and having a debt collector pursuing you may interrupt your daily activities and affect your work performance. You may owe the money, but that...
How does the FCRA factor into employment background checks?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) helps people want to avoid problems with their credit reports. The FCRA's rules stipulate that information on the report is accurate and kept private. Not everyone realizes how expansive the FCRA's rules are. A Minnesota job seeker...
Invasion of privacy: the illegal access of driver’s license information
It is not uncommon for police officers, county deputies and public employees to routinely abuse their search capabilities of law enforcement and driver’s license databases for their own thrill-seeking purposes. Through the years, there have been numerous cases in...
Steps to take after a wrongful repossession
Drivers in Minnesota rely on their cars. Many of them may not live in an area with bus service and even rideshare can get expensive. Sometimes, people find to their shock that their car has been wrongfully repossessed. This occurs when a creditor takes collateral...