Automotive repossession happens when you fail to pay your car payments on time. Usually, your bank will contact you via letter to notify you that you're late on your payments. Next, your bank will call you to ask if you're going to pay the money you owe and notify you...
When can I stop debt collectors from calling me?
When debt collectors call you regarding debts, they believe you owe -- even if they're mistaken that you owe money or you can't pay the debt -- it could be a good idea to speak with them once. This can help determine whether the issue is resolvable. It will also give...
What behaviors violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that regulates how mortgage, medical billing and credit card companies may attempt to collect on a debt. It also prohibits collection agents from being allowed to use deceptive, abusive or unfair...
When is repossession unlawful in Minnesota?
When you take out a loan in order to buy an expensive and important purchase such as a car or a truck, you will have a repayment plan that you must stick to in order to keep the vehicle. The small print in the credit agreement will outline the details of under what...
How to correct an inaccurate credit report
If there is a mistake made in your credit report, this can have a big impact on many aspects of your life. It could prevent you from getting certain jobs that require a credit check, or certain business or banking deals. Therefore, when a mistake is made through no...
Minnesota issues warning about cryptocurrency fraud
Fraud and other dishonest business practices are certainly nothing new, and the practices seem to adapt to every era in human history. Fortunately, the detection methods that law enforcement agencies use to ferret out fraud also adapt with the times. The Minnesota...