In the modern world, everyone must maintain their credit score to navigate many areas of their personal and professional lives. When negative marks make it onto a person's credit report, their score may drop significantly, keeping them from qualifying for many...
How to protect your parents from a phone scam
Phone scammers are notorious for targeting senior citizens, as they find that they're more likely to go along with what they're asking. As the child of an elderly individual, it's difficult to imagine that someone would attempt to take advantage of them....
Are you familiar with these senior fraud scams?
Many scams target senior citizens, as they are often more likely to make a rash and uninformed decisions than younger people. Despite the best efforts of the federal and state governments, there's no way to completely eliminate these scams. Here are four of the most...
Debt collectors can’t do whatever they want
A financial hardship is difficult enough without debt collectors harassing you. If this becomes a problem, you're sure to find yourself in an even more stressful situation. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself. First and foremost, remember...
What is the National Do Not Call Registry?
There is nothing more frustrating than receiving one telemarketing phone call after the next. Many people receive as many as 10 calls per day. If you find yourself in this position, the National Do Not Call Registry may be able to help. You can register online or via...