Imagine you're sitting down to a beautiful meal with your family when the phone rings. You go against your better judgment and answer the call, thinking that it could be the job you recently applied to, when -- low and behold -- it's the aggressive debt collector whom...
Learn about two types of wrongful repossession
If you've taken out a loan secured by a piece of property, the owner of your debt can repossess this property in the event that you default on the loan. This repossession process, however, must follow specific rules. Failure to adhere to these rules on the part of the...
The repossession man cannot ‘breach the peace’ to take your car
We've all heard stories about the repo man, and if you've defaulted on your auto loan, you could be in danger of having this person pay a visit to your home. In fact, in the case of most car loans, if you fail to pay the monthly payments, the owner of your debt has...
5 types of credit card fraud
With cash is being used less frequently, credit card fraud is more rampant than ever, and it's important for American consumers to be on the lookout, so they don't risk becoming a victim of consumer fraud related to their credit cards. Here are five of the most common...
Fake charities: Avoiding a common type of consumer fraud
It seems like consumers have every opportunity to get duped or defrauded on a daily basis. In fact, it can be difficult to keep track of the many types and varieties of scams that fraudsters use to deceive us. One of the most common types of fraudulent schemes is...
What laws protect me from invasions of privacy?
Everyone is talking about their right to privacy in the internet age, but do Americans really know their legal rights in this respect? Learning about your privacy rights — and what the government, businesses and other individuals can and cannot do with your...
Examples of unfair actions by debt collectors
In the United States, many people use debt as a consistent way to make purchases. They buy homes with mortgage loans and take out more loans to buy cars. They borrow money to start businesses or go to college. When they budget, it's less about how much they can afford...