Products are often the cause of harm to a person, even after they have gone through all of the necessary quality checks that are mandatory before they end up on the shelves. When this happens, the injury that incurs can often be serious. This is especially true when a...
Important notes on civil asset forfeiture
Being subject to civil asset forfeiture can be a very stressful position to be in. Civil asset forfeiture means that a member of a law enforcement team has the legal right to cease and confiscate property that he or she has a reason to believe has been a part of some...
What are deceptive trade practices?
Trade practices often revolve around ambitious marketing, and with that comes a significant level of idealization. However, when these promises about a product or service go too far, an individual or organization can be accused of exercising deceptive trade practices....
Cases in which a consumer fraud lawsuit can be filed in Minnesota
Minnesota is one of several states the subscribes to the Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act (UDTPA), a federal statute that was first instituted in 1964 and underwent revisions two years later. This law is backed up by Minnesota's Antitrust Law, drafted in 1971....
Mistakes on your credit report could cost you thousands or a job
Many aspects of modern life involve people's credit scores and credit reports. Did your car break down and you want to buy or lease a new one? Your credit report will determine if you qualify and how much interest you'll pay. Similarly, if you're ready for a new...