Under federal law, your credit report may not be revealed to anyone or any agency unless you provided permission. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) addresses many matters, including fighting privacy violations. An important facet of the law – enacted in 1970 –...
Looking back: Abusive debt collection in 2020
Regular readers of our Minnesota Consumer Rights Blog know that we have several times written in the past about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Simply put, it’s a law that helps to protect consumers from abusive debt collectors. It’s not uncommon for a...
Reasons your car may have been wrongfully repossessed
Most Minnesota vehicle owners carry auto loans for the vehicles that they’re driving. Auto loans are commonly known as asset-backed loans where the vehicle is used as a form of collateral to ensure the borrower makes timely loan payments. Unfortunately, sometimes the...
Debtor rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
When consumers in Minnesota fall behind on debt, they risk getting turned over to collections, and they may get numerous calls from debt collectors. Some debt collection agencies make reasonable collection attempts, but others do not. Debt collectors cannot do...
Reporting disputes under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
A consumer's credit report in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota, includes bankruptcies, court records and how they pay their bills, which employers, landlords and insurers may use to hire or approve applicants. When applicants are declined jobs or other business deals, the...