You should never assume that your credit report is 100 percent accurate. Even if this is the case today, an error could show up tomorrow. And if it does, it could have an impact on your credit score and ability to secure a loan. The best thing you can do is get into...
Not all debts get removed from your credit report after 7 years
If you've ever filed for bankruptcy, then the trustee in your case likely informed you that it would remain on your credit report for seven years after it was approved. Did you know that no matter if you file for bankruptcy or not, most debts are supposed to be erased...
Why was my car wrongfully repossessed and what can I do about it?
Many of us have come to rely on using our car to get our kids to school, to work, to the store or anywhere else we may need to go. While it may be inconvenient if it happens, it's understandable if our car gets repossessed because we fall behind in making payments on...
Robocalls rob Minnesotans of their right to privacy
You see an unrecognizable phone number pop up on your cellphone screen, you answer the call and say hello. There's momentary silence before an upbeat voice comes on the line telling you how you've won a contest that you never even entered. You tell them to lose your...
How you are protected by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
There are millions of people who face debt each day in the United States. Whether it is debt from student loans, car loans, mortgages, unpaid medical bills or credit card debt; it can be an overwhelming experience until all of it is paid in full. The Fair Debt...