When financial times become tough, making regular payments on cars, motorcycles, consumer electronics, and other items could become challenging. If a Minnesota customer falls behind on payments, the lender may initiate a repossession. Not everyone understands how...
What can I do if someone stole my identity and destroyed my credit?
Facing identity theft can be stressful. You were trying to do all of the right things, but after identity theft, you are left with a mess trying to prove that you are you. You may be able to get fraudulent charges reversed once you prove someone stole your identity....
Remedies for a wrongful repossession
Minnesota residents who fall behind on certain bills such as auto loans may have had an unpleasant visit from repo agents. It's important to remember that repo services aren't part of the police or the government. There are laws that repo agents have to follow, and...
The FDCPA laws regarding debt collection calls
The stress of debt on consumers in Minnesota is enough without getting constantly contacted by third-party debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act passed in 1971 protects you from deceptive and harassing collectors. The collectors have limits on how...
How the FDCPA protects you
If you get behind on debt in Minnesota, third-party debt collectors may soon start calling. However, many consumers don't know that debt collection agencies can't do anything they want. You have rights under the law to protect yourself from creditor harassment. The...