Dealing with debt is never an easy situation to be in, and for many people, it can feel like a never-ending spiral, since interest is often accumulated on existing debts. The stress of having debts is not made easier by creditors who seem to never stop asking for...
How telemarketing laws apply to today’s world
In 1991, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) was put into place. This addressed the issues at the time, which consisted of many spam and harassing phone calls occurring on land lines. In today's world, we are becoming increasingly less dependent on static...
Can my employer conduct a background check on me?
There have long been issues surrounding to what extent employers and potential employers should be able to look into the background of their employees. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) puts forward many protections in this regard, preventing employers from...
When is a debt collector acting illegally?
When you have debts that you owe to creditors, it is likely that you will find yourself feeling stressed and anxious. It is also probable that you will be in regular contact with debt collectors who will be pressuring you to repay what you owe. While debt collectors...
Responding to a consumer scam
With digital marketplaces becoming the norm, we do more and more of our shopping online. This can mean that we as consumers become complacent when it comes to deciding what platforms are trustworthy. Fraudulent people are trying to take advantage of people's use of...