Repossessions are a difficult topic for many people to think about. Losing an item that you purchased simply because you can't keep up with the payments is hard; however, when the item is wrongfully repossessed, you might feel even worse. We know that you probably...
Did your insurance company fraudulently deny your claim?
The health insurance industry is fraught with instances of fraud. Sometimes, consumers commit white collar fraud against the insurance companies. Other times, it's the insurance companies committing fraud against the consumers. For example, imagine you receive a...
Why are my wages being garnished?
If you have fallen behind on your debts, you could wind up having your wages garnished by the court. But that is not a process that occurs overnight. Debtors typically have ample warning to avoid garnishment. Below are some arrearages that could cause you to be...
4 reasons why you should save evidence in a credit case
You're trying to get a credit card, but you can't because there are serious errors on your credit report. You know they're not grounded in reality, but the credit card companies don't care. They won't issue you a line of credit. You're thinking about taking the next...
Your rights if a trip is misrepresented
The misrepresentation of goods doesn't just apply to physical goods. It can also apply to trips and other package deals that you can buy. These are often enticing to buyers because of the low prices. The issue, of course, is when the price is only so low because you...