Your consumer credit reports hold a lot of information about you. Others can then use that information to make decisions on whether to give you a credit card, offer you a mortgage or permit you to extend your overdraft, among other things. If the information on file...
What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
Information on customers, such as credit history, is gathered and used by a number of companies. This includes the three main consumer credit agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Credit score ratings vary in value and can either provide a person the...
Claiming damages for willful FCRA violations
Your credit report is a crucial part of your financial picture. Minnesota homebuyers know the value of a good credit rating. A credit score of above 800 is top-tier and means that your credit status is in excellent condition. In times when your financial picture isn’t...
Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Depending on the number, FICO scores can either wield significant purchasing power or prevent a consumer from qualifying for credit. Governed by The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) since 1970, the federal law ensures accuracy, fairness, and privacy of the data of...
States acquire broader consumer protection powers
Consumers in Minnesota and the rest of the nation have reason to rejoice. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued a new rule. This decision is one that grants states a much wider range of powers to protect consumers. The new rule is set to take...
Disputing credit report inaccuracies
Many consumers in Minnesota may be unaware of false information on their credit reports. Credit reports may have a significant impact on your daily life. Whether you are applying for a mortgage, taking out a loan, opening a credit card or even seeking new car...
What protections does the FCRA offer?
Debt and credit issues could severely affect someone’s financial life to the extent that filing for bankruptcy might provide the only solution. Minnesota residents might feel relieved to know that federal laws related to bankruptcy protections and credit reporting...
What to know about the FCRA
Credit scores are important to many people in Vadnais Heights, Minnesota, because it determines if they can get loans. Inaccurate credit reports can also cause consumers to get denied for leasing property and insurance. For this reason, Congress passed the Fair Credit...
Unauthorized credit checks can be an invasion of privacy
Credit reports contain valuable information about our personal lives and financial dealings. This information typically cannot be disclosed to anyone without your permission. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects consumers from illegal disclosures that can...
How do family members affect what’s in your credit report?
It’s not unusual to have errors in your credit report. While these issues are certainly frustrating, they can be fixed if you report them to the credit bureaus. However, you may not realize that your Minnesota family members can actually impact what’s in your credit...