When a foreclosure is carried out on the wrong property, it often has to do with mistakes in the records or mistakes by those sent to carry out the process -- such as simply driving to the wrong house. This can lead to all sorts of issues as the wrongful foreclosure...
How much do you know about the Fair Credit Reporting Act? – II
In our last post, we began discussing how consumers should never assume that the financial entities able to wield considerable authority over their everyday purchasing powers are somehow beyond reproach or that they have no recourse in the event these entities harm...
How much do you know about the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
When it comes to financial entities like credit bureaus, most consumers are well aware of their existence and understand that the information held in their files can make a dramatic difference in their everyday lives, affecting everything from their ability to...
What could lead to false background check information?
After filling out the application and anxiously waiting, you finally received the notification: "You have been approved for an apartment lease pending a background check." You are a good person with no criminal or financial history that would disqualify you from...