There is nothing worse than the thought of losing your home to foreclosure. Not only does this put you out of your home, but it will also impact your finances for many years to come. There are times when your bank has the right to foreclose on your home, such as if...
New changes proposed to debt collection efforts
Debt collectors may soon add a new weapon to their arsenal for collecting money from consumer debtors. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the agency tasked with protecting consumers that was founded in the wake of the country's most recent financial...
How can people fight repossession of property or homes?
We should only buy things we can afford, but that doesn't stop us from making some bad financial decisions. In many cases, people make all the right choices and circumstances still keep them from financial success. Although creditors often have the right to reclaim...
Common signs of elder financial abuse
Financial exploitation of the elderly remains a major problem throughout the country, with elderly individuals and their children concerned about this. Fortunately, with the proper knowledge, it's easy to spot a scam and avoid it before it takes its toll. Every year,...
What are some of the most common types of false advertising?
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), advertising is considered to be deceptive when it omits, misleads or falsely represents a product or service. This type of marketing can be presented in both written and oral forms. Since there are penalties that...