When credit reports are wrong, they can be a problem for you. Whether someone else's information is entered onto your report or debts are sent to collection when they were already paid, it's important that you address these issues right away. It is normal for mistakes...
Minnesota seniors are urged to avoid precious metals investments
The Minnesota Department of Commerce (DOC) recently issued a public warning intended specifically at senior citizens. In their statement, they warned them about cold callers who may try to reach out to them about a precious metals investment opportunity. DOC officials...
Fair Credit Reporting Act 7-year rule violations can be damaging
Many employers here in Minnesota and elsewhere across the country require their employees to undergo credit or criminal background checks, or both, before they are hired on for a job. While you may assume that this entitles them to pull your records from decades ago,...
Does your lender have the legal right to repossess your car?
When you take out a loan to purchase a vehicle, you agree to pay it back based on the terms and conditions of the agreement. There are many situations in which your lender may consider its legal rights for repossessing your car. However, there are specific steps your...
Take these steps as a victim of identity theft
Even if you take steps to protect against identity theft, there's no guarantee you won't become a victim in the future. If you find that your identity has been stolen, here are some immediate steps to take: Lock the account: For example, if you notice unauthorized...
Take these steps if you get a robocall
If you have a telephone, which most people do, there's a good chance you have received at least one robocall this week. In addition to causing frustration, especially if you're in the middle of something important, robocalls are often designed to scam you. Here are...