When you have been involved in an accident, you may already feel that you are out of luck. It can be a very stressful situation to be in and it might also mean that you find it more difficult to make calm and well-thought-out decisions. The following are some examples...
Civil asset forfeiture: When is it wrongful?
When any of your property or assets are taken by authorities, it can feel like nothing short of an illegal act. You may feel as though the police or law enforcement officers have committed an illegal offense against you. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many...
Common types of fraud to watch out for in Minnesota
Fraud can happen to unsuspecting consumers at any time, anywhere. Therefore, it's important to be aware of the places that fraud most commonly occurs, and the red flags to watch out for in people's behavior. Fraud could take place in a digital environment, or it could...
There are things debt collectors aren’t permitted to do
If you slip behind on any of your bills, there could come a point in the future when you hear from a debt collector. This may start with a letter in the mail, but it could soon move to phone calls at some point. As a consumer, you know that debt collectors have the...
What counts as deceptive environmental marketing claims?
As concern about the environment heightens, it is becoming increasingly popular for companies to market themselves as environmentally friendly or as helping the environment in some way. Many companies use this type of marketing to take advantage of the "green dollar":...
How to make a legal claim for food poisoning
Getting food poisoning is an all-too-common ailment that is caused by eating contaminated food of some sort. Food poisoning can occur due to eating undercooked meat or by consuming contaminated food, for example. It can be very difficult to determine the exact cause...