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How To Fight Credit Reporting Errors And Unfair Credit Reports

Credit reporting errors are frustrating and can significantly impact your life. Trying to correct them on your own can be a nightmare, but you can fight back.

If you have been denied credit and/or your buying power has been damaged or restricted by an inaccurate credit report or trade line, you may be entitled to monetary damages. The law firm that protects those rights in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and nationally is the .

As your lawyer, Tommy Lyons of brings more than 15 years of experience, innovative legal services, proven expertise and a record of results to your side. In court and out, in negotiations and during litigation, he is careful to safeguard your interests as a consumer throughout the legal process when an inaccurate credit report ruins your ability to buy and borrow, acquire insurance and obtain employment.

At , we are all about your comfort and convenience. This commitment is the reason for the free initial consultations we offer – and the contingency fee basis for our work. You owe no attorney fees or costs unless we win your case.

How The Fair Credit Reporting Act Works

There are three credit-reporting agencies in the United States: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. These agencies collect information about you, including information about your employment, where you live and your payment activity on bills as well as whether you have been arrested or sued or filed for bankruptcy. All of this information goes into your credit score.

An accurate credit score is essential to credit card or loan approval, reasonable insurance rates and employment prospects. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was created to protect consumers from inaccurate information on their credit report and unlawful or unauthorized disclosure of credit reports.

Examples of common credit bureau mistakes include:

  • False credit information reported as a result of identity theft
  • Information from another person’s credit showing up on your report
  • Inaccurate status reporting of discharged debt following bankruptcy
  • Old credit information showing up that should have been removed
  • Inaccurate listing and status of debt

The FCRA works like this. Once an inaccurate item is identified on a credit report, a consumer may report this to the credit reporting agencies in writing with any supporting documentation (such as a proof of payment). As soon as they have been notified of an error, the credit reporting agencies are required to investigate the mistake and correct the bad information.

Failure to remove this information following written notice is a direct violation of the law. You have the right to fight back and seek a claim to correct these inaccuracies – and the is prepared to fight for you.

You Can Fix It. Talk With A Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Attorney Today.

Do not let credit errors derail your life. Ready to take action? You can fix it. Contact the today. Arrange your free consultation with our Minnesota unfair credit reporting attorney by calling  –  612-200-1495. The will respond promptly to your email.