The college debt crisis isn't just confined to students. Even parents are drowning in debt, having taken out expensive loans to put their kids through college. One big difference is that students often trade those loans and that debt for the prospect of one day...
Can ads exaggerate what products can do?
False advertising is a real issue, and it's one that has misled countless consumers over the years. It's illegal for a reason. It tricks people into buying products they never would have purchased otherwise. But what about exaggerations? Can an ad exaggerate the...
Is wage garnishment for debt repayment legal?
If you have been receiving reduced pay when you get your pay check, you may notice that certain fees have been taken out of your pay check by debt collection companies. You may be shocked by this and wonder whether it is even a legal practice. Unfortunately, wage...
Are abusive collection agents breaking the law when they call?
Falling behind on payments can happen for all kinds of reasons. Maybe you got hit really badly with this season's flu and ended up missing work well beyond what your paid leave covers. Perhaps you experienced an accident that resulted in massive medical bills, missed...
What types of consumer fraud are most common in 2018?
Consumer fraud changes swiftly with the development of new technologies and scamming trends. Therefore, it is important that consumers keep up to date on the types of crimes they are likely to fall victim to in 2018. Consumer fraud is quite a broad term that is...