If you take out a car loan, or if you use your car as collateral on a credit facility, you risk having your car repossessed if you do not make your payments in time. But as with any industry, it is not uncommon to have a few bad apples in the credit industry....
Why would someone steal your identity online?
Identity theft can happen in numerous ways, but it most often happens online nowadays. New Internet users are often warned that they need to be wary of having their identity compromised. Someone else could steal their information and pretend to be them – which may...
2 causes of inaccurate background checks during the hiring stage
When you are a job applicant, especially for a position that requires top-notch trust, such as in a school, hospital or government, the employer will want to know about your history to make an informed decision. Thus, they will conduct a background check. These...
How can you repair a credit score damaged by identity theft?
Identity theft is a major concern in an increasingly digital world. Once someone's personal identifying information falls into the hands of those with ill intentions, there could be numerous serious issues that arise. Identity theft often leads to fraudulent debt and...
Can a debt collector contact your family? Know your rights
When faced with financial difficulties and debt, one of the most stressful aspects for many individuals is the potential for debt collectors to contact their family members. Many people are concerned about the embarrassment or stress this might cause their loved ones...