Your credit report is a crucial part of your financial picture. Minnesota homebuyers know the value of a good credit rating. A credit score of above 800 is top-tier and means that your credit status is in excellent condition. In times when your financial picture isn’t so bright, and collectors call demanding money, knowing your rights will help you protect your credit.
Making on-time payments is the best way to keep your credit sound.
Congress enacted the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 to protect American consumers from willful FCRA violations.
The law gives consumers the right to know how their information is used or obtained and for what purpose. Credit reporting agencies such as Experian, Equifax and Transunion are responsible for ensuring accurate information is reported and for removing inaccuracies.
Willful FCRA violations
You have the right to challenge or dispute inaccuracies in your credit report. You can file disputes online, by phone or by mail. If an agency is contacting you about a debt, they must do so responsibly and follow the laws of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Credit reporting errors occur and are corrected with supporting documentation. When errors continuously reoccur, or collection activity doesn’t cease as it should, these are FCRA violations. Additional violations are:
- Creditors reporting inaccurate information to credit reporting agencies.
- Creditors failing to follow or abide by FCRA guidelines.
- Creditors providing your information to authorized entities.
The FCRA violation list goes on, and it’s smart to learn your rights and protections under the FCRA Act.
Damages for FCRA violations
Collection harassment is against the law, and those in violation are being held accountable. You have rights as a consumer and the right to take action against a bill collector who is violating the law.