Anyone struggling with debt in Minnesota knows how stressful the situation is. Many debt collectors will try to capitalize on that stress by illegally attempting to seize your property, including your vehicles. If a repossessor calls for your vehicle, you must take...
States acquire broader consumer protection powers
Consumers in Minnesota and the rest of the nation have reason to rejoice. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued a new rule. This decision is one that grants states a much wider range of powers to protect consumers. The new rule is set to take...
The FDCPA laws regarding debt collection calls
The stress of debt on consumers in Minnesota is enough without getting constantly contacted by third-party debt collectors. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act passed in 1971 protects you from deceptive and harassing collectors. The collectors have limits on how...
How the FDCPA protects you
If you get behind on debt in Minnesota, third-party debt collectors may soon start calling. However, many consumers don't know that debt collection agencies can't do anything they want. You have rights under the law to protect yourself from creditor harassment. The...
What to do when debt collectors keep calling after bankruptcy
Minnesota residents who have financial obligations will often receive annoying calls from debt collectors. However, if you have settled through bankruptcy and your debts were discharged, you shouldn’t be receiving such calls. It’s important to know what to do. Can...
Protecting yourself against debt collectors
Debt collectors are allowed to contact debtors, but there are limitations on frequency and type of contact. They cannot leave intimidating or threatening messages on other people's phones or email accounts. There is a federal law designed to stop debt collectors in...
Illegal tactics subscribed to by unscrupulous debt collectors
If you struggle with debt, you may expect to eventually hear from debt collectors. Some may be dishonest, untruthful and intimidating, resorting to almost anything they can do to collect the money. Such behavior is repugnant and illegal. A federal law known as the...
How to stop debt collection calls
No one in Minnesota likes being on the receiving end of nonstop collection calls. If you’re like most people overwhelmed by debt, you probably wish you could keep up with payments. However, unforeseen financial circumstances can lead to missed payments and a debt...
Debtor rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
When consumers in Minnesota fall behind on debt, they risk getting turned over to collections, and they may get numerous calls from debt collectors. Some debt collection agencies make reasonable collection attempts, but others do not. Debt collectors cannot do...
Understanding the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
People in Minnesota should be aware of their rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, or FDCPA. This law regulates practices in the debt collection industry, particularly when it comes to third-party debt collection agencies. This is particularly important...