If you have outstanding debt, then you likely already know about it and are trying to find a way to pay it off. Incessant calls and letters from creditors can add salt to a wound. You’ll be happy to learn that there are lawful ways to get creditors to stop contacting you.
You should speak with any creditor that claims that you owe a debt at least once. You should ask them how much you owe, to whom and for what. This will allow you to verify that the outstanding debt is indeed your’s. You should avoid giving them any financial or personal identifying information though as this could be used by someone to unlawfully steal your identity.
If you’re unable to pay what you owe, then you should let your creditor know that. They may come up with a payment plan that allows you to repay what you owe using small installments.
Should your creditor be unwilling to work with you on payment arrangements, then they may up their collections game. If their calls become more frequent than once a day or their tone becomes more aggressive, then you may want to get them to stop.
If you want to get your creditors’ inopportune calls to stop, then you’ll need to draft a letter to them letting them know that’s the case. Once you do this, they’re required by law to stop corresponding with you for the most part. They can reach out to you only to confirm that they received your stop-communication letter and to let you know if they plan to escalate their collections efforts.
You must keep in mind that your creditor may attempt to reach your employer, friends and spouse about your debt if they fail to reach you. Once you’re represented by an attorney though, they can only go through them to discuss such matters.
If you’re concerned that your creditor has acted unlawfully in attempting to collect your debt, then a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act attorney here in Vadnais Heights can advise you of whether that’s the case. If it is, then they’ll let you know what legal remedies you may be able to pursue to hold them accountable for their misdeeds.