Consumer Help On The Internet
We cannot guarantee the information or accuracy provided by these links, but we promise to add only useful consumer links. If you have been treated unfairly, illegally or abusively by a debt collector, contact our office immediately.
Other Minnesota and Federal Government Links
Minnesota Attorney General’s Office – This links you to the AG’s website. You can download a complaint form to file a consumer complaint for problems such as siding and roofing disputes and insurance problems. The Attorney General’s office has done a fantastic job of protecting consumer rights in many areas and this website is a product of that commitment.
Minnesota Commerce Department – This is where you can file a formal complaint against most licensed professionals within the state of Minnesota. For example, roofers, builders, real estate agents and others are licensed through this state agency.
Identity Theft Affidavit – To get download an Identity Theft Affidavit designed and implemented by the Federal Trade Commission.
National Consumer Law Center – An excellent resource center for lawyers and laypersons alike who have consumer law interests. NCLC has a wealth of printed and electronic resources targeted at both consumer law practitioners as well as individual consumers.
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – This government agency regulates a variety of industries, including debt collection and credit reporting. Click here to file a complaint with this Washington, D.C., based agency. If you have been abused or mistreated in any way by a debt collector, click here.